Symbian Open Signed只是一场骗局
好不容易盼到symbiansigned.com重新开放的“Open Signed”流程完全不像它此前所宣称的那样“Open Signed meets the needs of freeware, open source, and personal use developers”。
刚刚修改FontRouter实验得出的结论:现在没有Publisher ID,无论是Protected range还是Unprotected range的UID都不能使用“Open Signed”,也就是说普通最终用户再也无法通过“自认证”的方式使用那些以“未认证”方式发布的需要认证权限的软件了。
FAILURE: Submitted .sis file uses a UID that is not allocated to the account holder matching this email address (0xa000#### )
Symbian走上了一条独裁者的道路,独立开发者和普通用户的自由权利正在被废除,取而代之的是“付费授权”和“合作伙伴”才能享受到原本属于他们的权利。口诛笔伐已经无济于事,是应揭竿而起(Call for a real symbian signed exploit!)还是彻底抛弃(Windows Mobile is open to the world!)呢?
Written on March 5, 2008