

目前手中这台F31fd是2007年元旦在香港DC Career入手的。当年的F31fd凭借其独特的高ISO、完备的手动档和超长使用时间轻松的征服了我,让我毫不犹豫的专程跑了一趟香港,只为拥它入怀。在陪伴我两年多的日子里,它伴随着我的足迹从珠三角的深圳、广州、香港、澳门,再辗转到长三角的上海、杭州、黄山、千岛湖,记录下了我在生活和旅游中的每一个细节。也正是通过它,我学会了数码摄影的基本方法和技巧,开始喜欢上了用照片书写生活。



When Fujifilm announced its EXR technology at Photokina 2008 it promised high-ISO performance ‘superior to the F31’. It may seem odd that a company would use a two-year-old, out-of-production camera as its benchmark unless you’re aware of the reputation that the F31fd had developed for itself. A combination of a slightly larger sensor, clever sensor technology and carefully balanced noise processing (that smoothed noise without destroying all detail), helped the F31fd set a high-water mark for low-light performance in compact cameras.

…… As a result, the lowly (and imperfect) F31fd has become highly sought-after on the used market. This prompts us to take the unusual step of comparing the F200 EXR to a model long unavailable, not because it’s another camera you might consider going out and buying, but because it stands out as one of the few solid benchmarks in the short history of digital compact cameras……

The F31fd was, for a long time, probably the best performing compact camera we’d encountered for shooting at ISO 800. Fujifilm promised the F200 EXR would improve on that performance, but doesn’t appear to have quite delivered the goods. The F31fd is clearly producing a cleaner image and one that does a slightly better job of retaining fine detail.


  • 高DR(Dynamic Range)模式,让你不必忍受刻意欠曝带来的噪点就能完整保留亮部细节。
  • 1/1.6 CCD(28-140mm),广角 + 5x光学变焦,浓缩在其苗条的身段中。


  • 相对F31fd的提升幅度比期望中小很多,甚至在ISO800下的噪点抑制效果反而不及F31fd。
  • 没有快门优先的手动选项,而且光圈优先也只有两档可调。这不能不说是一个明显的倒退……
  • 280张照片的使用时间远不能与F31fd的580张相比,为了减小体积,电池削减的太厉害了。


Written on May 2, 2009